Empowering education

We believe in the power of teachers to inspire students and elevate our community.

ConnectED (NBTA News) Publishing and Advertising

The ConnectED (NBTA News) is written for teachers, by teachers and is distributed to over 6,000 individuals, both in hard copy and in digital format. Copies are circulated to New Brunswick teachers, libraries, retired teachers, government officials, education stakeholders, and affiliated teacher organizations across Canada.


Deadline: September 6 October 4, 2024 issue
Deadline: November 1 December 4, 2024 issue
Deadline: January 13 February 7, 2025 issue
Deadline: TBD TBD issue

Submit an article or share a story tip with the Editorial Team


The advertising rates for each issue are:

$1000.00 for full page 7” wide x 9.25” high
$500.00 for 1/2 page 7” wide x 4.625” high
$250.00 for 1/4 page 3.5” wide x 4.625” high
$170.00 for 1/6 page 2.375” wide x 4.625” high

ConnectED (NBTA News) reserves the right to refuse advertising which is not in keeping with the objectives of the Association. Further, ConnectED (NBTA News) reserves the right to limit advertisements based on space availability and design requirements. Ad placement is at the discretion of the Editor.

Submit an advertisement to the ConnectED (NBTA News)

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